Multiple columns are created by using <table> or <div> tags. Some CSS are normally also added to position elements, or to create backgrounds or colorful look for the pages.
HTML Layouts - Using Tables
The simplest way of creating layouts is by using the HTML <table> tag.
The following example uses a table with 3 rows and 2 columns - the first and last row spans both columns using the colspan attribute:
<table width="500" border="0">
<td colspan="2" style="background-color:#FFA500;">
<h1>Main Title of Web Page</h1>
<tr valign="top">
<td style="background-color:#FFD700;width:100px;text-align:top;">
<b>Menu</b><br />
HTML<br />
CSS<br />
<td style="background-color:#EEEEEE;height:200px;width:400px;text-align:top;">
Content goes here</td>
<td colspan="2" style="background-color:#FFA500;text-align:center;">
Copyright © 2011</td>
5 January 2012 at 20:19